
 Unit 11 

Future short term goals.

The biggest short term goal for me currently would have to be studying journalism at university, this has always been the ultimate long term goal however with it only now being around the corner it's my short term goal. Alongside this finishing, my college course with a grade of distinction is my second goal as it's needed on my path to university and would make all the time spent there worth it. 

Other short term goals apart from university for me could be getting a job in the industry I want to work in instead of going to uni. This could be in the form of an apprenticeship or possibly even full-time work. Again this is only really achievable if I manage to get a good grade so realistically uni is the ultimate goal but getting a distinction is the goal right now.

Future long term goals.

Long term goals are working in the journalism industry. Having my own place to live and actually starting a family. I would love to work for a big company obviously, the top of my list would have to be SKY, BT or the BBC. The reason for this is mainly just job security but also being able to work for something you have grown up around watching would be nice. 

I just want to do journalism for a company, perhaps freelance be able to have enough money to live comfortably and support others if I have them. I think just something as simple as not having to hugely worry about money. 

S.W.O.T  Analysis.

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (Barriers)  

S.W.O.T Analysis of myself.


Having good GCSE grades and two media qualifications. My GCSE grades are good and would look good on an application form. Also I have a distinction from level two media and am predicted the same from level 3.

Being in employment currently and being able to work well and having a reference. Although it's not related to the course I wish to study and university's aren't that interested in work the experience and confidence I have gained from working has helped me greatly. 

Working with people, creating a connection. From college and also working I have learnt how to work in a team very well, naturally journalism is more an independent industry however the ability to work in a team and just bond well with people. I find I have the ability to dislike someone intently but still manage to work with them in a very professional manner. 

The boring typing up part of different projects, reports, documents. The most fun part of a project is almost always the practical side, and this usually makes the reports and document side of the project suffer. I find myself to be not so bad at this as I use to be. Although typing up reports can be challenging and occasionally stale and boring I find myself able to complete this and always hand in the work on time to a good standard.

Speaking well, being professional when needed. Firstly I feel I can present myself well wether that be to a room full of people or in a one on one interview. I'm confident enough in myself to present and I see this as an absolute strength as employers and interviewers always look for confidence and the ability to present not only your work but you as a person.

Can listen well and work under people. When working under people such as a teacher, or manager at work I am able to listen and work well. 


Ensuring I am understood by resisting the urge to mumble and speaking properly. Projecting your voice correctly. Norfolk has blessed me with not great pronunciation skills.

Listening to other people, when other people in your life attempt to give you some advice its normally because they care and are concerned and are attempting to help. it's important to listen to advice and take everything onboard people say to you, even if you don't agree.

Planning, working alone when inexperienced, being inexperienced when first starting a new challenge, not adapting to change well, struggling with time, ensuring work is handed in on time or early. I tend to normally be quite punctual but with university and employment this goes up a level.

Technical elements and programs, being better at programs such as photoshop and adobe premiere pro. Although the shooting part can go okay I tend to struggle more with post production. Watching tutorials and getting help should aid me.

Distractions, there are so many things to distract me from my work that its hard to even name them all. When doing work I need to learn to turn my phone off and perhaps as a drastic measure even turn the internet connection off to limit distractions entirely.


Studying hard at university and making friends, links to industry. (Get the qualifications, know the people.) 

Uncle is connected in the media industry, I would Ideally like to work for big companies near me? Norwich, Cambridge etc. 

Being able to adapt to different freelances. Doing what you want to do. 

Occasional laziness, motivation, heavy competition for jobs (limited industry, not a great number of jobs available) distractions at university, could be drinking money etc. Going to university meaning having no job (not secure) 

Action Plan up to July 2021. 

Completing every project in this college academic year to a high standard especially my final major project I am going to improve the standard of my work and not waste any time. Applying for university and hopefully receiving an unconditional offer, making sure my application form is perfect and I'm prepared for the interview. Continue to save money for university and actually save more not wasting money. Working on certain weaknesses such as planning better just like I'm doing now with this action plan. 


When applying for university I'm going to ensure that my top three choices I have properly researched and visited. Because of Covid seemingly open days will be limited however visiting the local area and seeing the atmosphere of where I would like to go will be useful. I can travel to these by car or train and will hopefully bring someone with me to get a second opinion on things. This target is achievable and needs to be completed before applying to these university's.

Creating some form of folder or showreel for my work to help apply for Uni. Promoting the journalism type work I have been doing. Showing off radio broadcasts, print based media and also my video work that I have completed over my three years at college. This target needs to be very well completed as it could be one of the first things university's look at and certainly will help me stand out among candidates just using words. This target is of course achieveble and needs to be completed before I apply for university interviews at the very least, which seemingly will be around January/February 2021. 

Even before leaving to university I can talk to workplaces and see potential jobs, this could potentially give me an edge on competition when leaving university as I already know the employers and jobs to look for and even get contacts in the industry. Showing my willingness early before I even have qualifications can be really useful in a filled industry such as journalism. This target doesn't really have a deadline as its constant but the earlier I start the better it will be for me.

Action Plans beyond July 2021. 

5 Year Action Plan.

My action plan beyond July 2021 turns into my five year plan. In the next five years I would like to graduate university with a first class degree for journalism. The next step after university is naturally some form of employment hopefully in the media and journalism industry. This potentially could lead to me moving out of Norfolk to a bigger city. The dream and goal is London however somewhere closer like Norwich still can provide the facilities I need while being more affordable. Some sort of travelling will always be in my interests especially with what I'm studying this can be extremely useful as I can travel around and find contacts and connections in other countries and constantly learning.

10 Year Action plan.

Starting a family and getting my own place. I would love to work my way up through a broadcasting or journalism company and working in sports journalism specifically. Starting off low and working my way up to a leading role would be perfect.

How I feel about future?

Nervous, my future isn't guaranteed which makes me uneasy. When applying for education it's not guaranteed but there are multiple places so you're likely to get into what you want to do. In the real world when searching for jobs it's usually one job with multiple people going for it. Keeping myself confident and knowing that I can achieve anything If I try hard enough is key.

Ways to improve my well being.

Limiting Screen Time.

Staying healthy, eating well.

Exercising regularly.

Staying it touch with people.

Buying a plant (thanks foxy)

Don't always connect online.

Find new places.

Be happy with yourself.

Summary and action plan for onwards progression.

Working on my future is difficult, however this progression project has helped me realise exactly what I want to do at university and a career. And this is sports journalism. This could be from a broadcasting perspective or writing and radio. At university being taught both practical and written methods is extremely important to help develop my understanding of the journalism industry as it’s not something I have massively looked into on my college course. University isn’t just important for your skills; you can meet friends for life who crucially are going to be in the exact same industry as you are allowing you to already have contacts for future jobs and opportunities. 

Also attending a university in a “high opportunity” area is extremely important as the more work experience available the better. I’ve got so many universities to choose from and still haven’t decided on a first choice or top five. After university sports journalism is an extremely tough sector to get into. This is why attending university is extremely important, the degree can be the difference between getting the job. When in the sector starting low is not a problem for me as most of the best journalists today start at the bottom and work their way up, and this is something I aim to replicate.


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